Eat Me Up Yoni Bundle (Bv & Yeast Eliminator) 50% Off
Eat Me Up Yoni Bundle (Bv & Yeast Eliminator) 50% Off
Are you struggling with bv or yeast infections that keep coming back? I have the perfect solution for you babe. This yoni bar & yoni oil is the perfect duo to fight bacteria and it great to dead any infection cause by bacteria....
Why The Ladies Love It
* Eliminates odors
* Balances your ph before & after your period
* Less Yeast Infections if any at all
* Increases wetness
* Don't second guess yourself you can use the yoni bar all over your body, & it contains orange essential oil which is great to help produce collagen & help clear your skin
* All-natural remedy leaving your skin feeling fresh and clean all day after you wash up
* You may see improvements in as little as 2 days
What You Will Get:
1 - 5.8 Ounce Yoni Bar
1 - 1 Ounce Edible Yoni Oil
Yoni Bar Ingredients: Aloe Vera, Orange, Jasmine, Tea Tree, Essential Oils
Yoni Oil Ingredients: Safflower oil, Jasmine, Orange,Essential Oils, Herbs
How To Use:
Yoni Bar should be used in the shower...You can rinse off, lather the bar and wash all over your body....Do not insert any soap inside your vagina...Only wash on the outsides. Rinse off and you will feel very clean & fresh....The yoni bar was formulated to fight micro bacteria as well.
Yoni Oil can be applied after you get out the shower and have dried off with your towel. Apply 1 to 2 drops on the outside of your vagina and now your ready for Whateva!!!